These flowers in bloom are the last of my summer garden. I love gardening but detest housework.

Housework is unrewarding and ungrateful. If you miss a few days, it shows that you have slacked off, but your garden flowers keep blooming.

This year I spent very little money on annuals. So now I have a lot of perennials. Anyone looking for perennials can check me out in the spring.

It is a shame to discard them; they are so expensive at the garden center. Particularly this year. I did feel bad discarding so many and knowing they were costly.



Remembering that Fall is a time of change is essential, so be good to your skin.

With Obsidian skincare products, you can achieve a lot at home and delay the telltale signs of aging, allowing you to Age gracefully.

Obsidian skincare products with Age-defying ingredients at a very low cost will keep you looking younger and longer.

Those who are regular Obsidian users know what I am talking about, even if you do not have regular facials and antiaging treatments.

Without skin treatment, your skin still looks hydrated and keeps everyone guessing. However, that said, it is vital to have regular facials.

Here in Canada, we have four distinct seasons, so those who can afford to have a facial at the start of each season should do so.

Yours truly,
